
Secured Wireless Multi Robot Communication for SWARM Robotics using Mobile Application

Published in International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, IEEE Explore, 2018

Paper currently in pre-print, yet to be published.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2018). "Secured Wireless Multi Robot Communication for SWARM Robotics using Mobile Application" International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, IEEE Explore

Ant and Bee Inspired foraging Swarm Robots using Computer vision

Published in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), IEEE Explore, 2017

Robotics is revolutionizing a gamut of industries from automobile to manufacturing. Swarm robots are a new approach to manage and co-ordinate multi-robot systems, which deals with emulating collective behavior of biological species in robots. Robotic swarms are able to bring greater mass co-ordination, intelligence to whichever application it is applied. In this paper a method based on the chain formation behavior of ants and division of labor in bees is emulated. Swarm robots are designed to emulate the ants, and form chains while foraging and the division of labor is used for preventing wastage of energy. For localization and navigation a computer vision based algorithm is used which is coupled with magnetometer sensor readings. This approach can be successfully applied to a wide variety of applications such as warehouses, space exploration and military operations.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2016). "Ant and Bee Inspired foraging Swarm Robots using Computer vision" International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), IEEE Explore

Automatic Wireless SCADA System

Published in International Journal IJETT , 2016

Based on the modern requirements of the industry the Wireless SCADA system has a great application in many fields of industries. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) is a particular protocol in which the data is acquired as well the data can be controlled using the GUI designed on PC.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2016). "Automatic Wireless SCADA System" International Journal IJETT

Fuzzy Color Histogram Based Content Based Image Retrieval of Query Images

Published in International Journal IJETT , 2015

The need for efficient content-based image retrieval system has increased hugely. Efficient and effective retrieval techniques of images are desired because of the explosive growth of digital images. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is a promising approach because of its automatic indexing retrieval based on their semantic features and visual appearance.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2015). "Fuzzy Color Histogram Based Content Based Image Retrieval of Query Images" International Journal IJETT

Image Enhancement Using Filter To Adjust Dynamic Range Of Pixels

Published in International Journal IJERA , 2014

In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for image enhancement in compressed (DCT) domain. Despite, few algorithms have been reported to enhance images in DCT domain proposed algorithm differs from previous algorithms in such a way that it enhances both dark and bright regions of an image equally well. In addition, it outperforms in enhancing the chromatic components as well as luminance components. Since the algorithm works in DCT domain, computational complexity is reduced reasonably.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2014). "Image Enhancement Using Filter To Adjust Dynamic Range Of Pixels." International Journal IJERA

Controller Area Network Based Accident Avoidance System

Published in International Journal IJEAT , 2014

Based on requirements of modern vehicle, in- vehicle Controller Area Network (CAN) architecture has been implemented. In order to reduce point to point wiring harness in vehicle automation, CAN is suggested as a means for data communication within the vehicle environment. The benefits of CAN bus based network over traditional point to point schemes will offer increased flexibility and expandability for future technology insertions. This paper describes system which uses sensors to measure various parameters of the car like speed, distance from the other car, presence of alcohol in car and accidental change of lane and sends a warning signal to the driver if any of the parameter goes out of range to avoid accidents . A situation that provides a good example of how the system works is when a driver is about to change lanes, and there is a car in his blind spot. The sensors will detect that car and inform the driver before he starts turning, preventing him from potentially getting into a serious accident.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2013). "Controller Area Network Based Accident Avoidance System." International Journal IJEAT

ARM7 Based Controller Area Network Based Accident Avoidance in Automobiles

Published in International Journal IJETT, 2014

Based on requirements of modern vehicle, in- vehicle Controller Area Network (CAN) architecture has been implemented. In order to reduce point to point wiring harness in vehicle automation, CAN is suggested as a means for data communication within the vehicle environment. The benefits of CAN bus based network over traditional point to point schemes will offer increased flexibility and expandability for future technology insertions. This paper describes system which uses sensors to measure various parameters of the car like speed, distance from the other car, presence of alcohol in car and accidental change of lane and sends a warning signal to the driver if any of the parameter goes out of range to avoid accidents . In addition to this if accident occurs in any remote area then using bump sensor accident is detected and SMS is send immediately using GSM. A situation that provides a good example of how the system works is when a driver is about to change lanes, and there is a car in his blind spot. The sensors will detect that car and inform the driver before he starts turning, preventing him from potentially getting into a serious accident.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2014). "ARM7 Based Controller Area Network Based Accident Avoidance in Automobiles." International Journal IJETT

Secured Barcode Reader System Using Encrypted cyclic code

Published in National Conference, NCETETEA, 2013

This paper provides a wireless barcode system in which the barcode scans the barcode and then this data is processed using a microcontroller and converted into serial form and then this data is send wirelessly through bluetooth and at the receiving end the data is received by another bluetooth device and then the data is again processed using a microcontroller to convert the data into machine level and then stored into a database into a computer. This paper also shows a improved system which uses encrypted cyclic codes for better security using less hardware.

Recommended citation: Kashyap Joshi (2013). "Secured Barcode Reader System Using Encrypted cyclic code." National Conference, NCETETEA